Why does my organisation need Social Media Security ?
Social Landscape: You need to understand your organisations social landscape to be able to monitor and govern in real-time, across all accounts representing your brand. Even if you have no offical social media channels your employees could already be representing you on site such as, LinkedIn on their personal devices.
Internal Privacy Capability: It is necessary for all companies to take steps to enhance their internal privacy capability and protect data. As a business and service provider, your business has an obligation to protect the security and privacy of individual information.
It is essential that you:
Identify internal and external factors and influences that may expose your business to social media risks and increase the vulnerability of your organisation, employees and brand.
Discover unknown assets including fraudulent corporate or individual accounts. Remediate the threat by removing fake accounts and securing
unauthorised profiles, handles and accounts across your entire social
Develop a treatment plan that is customised to develop a transparent process to the minimisethe likelihood of social media risks and the potential vulnerability of your organisation,employees and brand.
Our team will conduct a risk assessment to understand your organisations social landscape in real-time, across multiple social media channels. Through the identification of threat sources benchmarked against Australian/New Zealand Standard Risk Management Principles & Guidelines, we will provide best practice across your agency and develop a treatment plan customised to your needs.